Punjabi School

School Profile

Sri Guru Singh Sabha Punjabi School is situated in Gurdwara Campus over the last 6 years. Our purpose is to educate children to become young bicultural, bilingual Australian Citizens and adults who will continue to learn and thrive in an ever-changing world. We want our children to have passion for learning Punjabi where they connect, create and produce work that matters to them and others. We nurture children to build the skills and competencies which will assist them to effectively collaborate and operate in the global world. A major upgrade of facilities occurred in 2018, school infrastructure is more attractive and support school community and learning atmosphere. School timings are from 10:00am to 1:00pm except the school holidays.


Typical Student/Family Profile

We have students from mixed background, at least 10 percent of our children are born overseas, or homeland and they are quick learners in every aspect of study majority of the other students are Australian born and consider Punjabi as a second language. Their age level is from 5 years to 13 years, both girls and boys love to learn our language, culture and traditions. Families from different parts of Punjab are coming to attend the school for example from cities, towns and regional areas.


School Staff

School is so proud to provide a learning environment that foster children’s emotional and social learning to develop self-responsibility, respectfulness and resilience. Our teachers inspire students to be active and independent learners and responsible global citizens who act to improve their world. School follows ESAV Professional development activities for all the teachers throughout the year to learn variety of methods to teach and assess children individually. The school ensure that the staff are appropriately trained and have Working with Children Checks and First Aid Certificates are up to date.


Registration Process:

Please refer to the below information for enrolment:

  • minimum age for enrolment is 5 years
  • enrolment fees $50
  • nil tuition fees
  • collect the enrollment form from school office
  • submit it either via email at  school@sgss.org.auor drop it in person on any Sunday between 10am to 1pm during school term

For more information or feedback please contact school via email at  school@sgss.org.au or call Jasvir Kaur on 0424 194 638

Punjabi school admission/registration form

Adult English and Punjabi Class:Outline:  Mastering the macro skills with practiceTime:  10:30 am to  1:00 pm (Every Sunday except school term breaks)Location: Punjabi School BuildingComputer Class:Course:  Basics of computer and wide range of courses availableTime:  11:00am to 1:00pmLocation:  Punjabi School Building(Computer classes are running in collaboration with Hume City Council) Special Essay Presentation by one of our students Khushpreet Kaur on air for SBS Punjabi Radio can be found on the link below:http://www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/punjabi/en/content/khushpreet-kaurs-essay-why-she-learns-punjabi-while-living-australia